יום שבת, 3 ביוני 2023

Consulates, Churches travelers and the people of the land - English 2022


CONSULATES Churches travelers and the people of the land

Palestine in the 19th century


By Michael Aran-Neumond





Short table of contents

The Eastern question

The Ottoman rule in Palestine

The Holy places and the renovation of the Cupola of the Holy Sepulchre

The Russians and the Greeks

The Germans

The British

The Americans

The French and the Latins

The Austrians

The Jewish Yishuv

The Palestinians

The Economy

Travelers and explorers

The Eucharist congress 1893








In 1976 I finished my M.A degree in Contemporary Jewish history and I wrote my thesis on "The negotiations to obtain the Rutenberg electricity concession and the  Novomeiski Dead sea potash concession " which  was published in the Katedra magazine number 26, 31 and 44.

In 1977 Katedra published a few articles on the foreign consulates in Jerusalem in the 19th century.  This was the beginning  of my "affair" with the multinational history of Eretz Yisrael – Eretz. I started reading books,

visiting the Old city and my ability to read Arabic Russian German and French was very helpful.

In 1985 1986 I wrote the first draft and after an interval of more than 30 years in November 2017  I resumed writing a new draft.  The books which were very helpful were Binyamin Yaffe " A portrait of Eretz" published in 1983 , Barbara Tuchman " The Bible and the Sword" published in 1956 ', Eretz at the end of the Ottoman  period" published in 1983 by Keter.

The books by Professor Yehoshua ben Aryeh and are very important specifically " How Eretz was created  in the modern era" published in 2018.

The purpose of my book is to put in one place all the knowledge which I have accumulated over the years. It does not purport    to meet academic standards. I dwelled on   the international history of Palesine like the foreign powers  "the Holy places" or the Suez canal" because they give international background and  interest me.


Ben Aryeh argues that the modern history starts with Napoleon invasion to Eretz while other historians contend that it begins after the Egyptian withdrawal and the opening of the foreign consulates in 1840.

I started my narrative with Dahr el Amr and the Russian -Turkish war  in the second half of the 18th century.  The first chapter is dedicated to the

Oriental Question, Suez canal, the Damascus Affair and Lebanon. I wrote a special section on the Holy places and the reconstruction of the Cupola of the Holy Sepulchre. I wrote  six chapters on the foreign consulates in Jerusalem. There is a general part which relates of the Ottoman rule , the economy and the Arab and Jewish communities. I conclude with some of the many travelers including royals, researchers, famous writers and painters. I also included a chapter on the Eucharist Congress in 1893 which I wrote 30 years ago.

The National Library and Yad ben Zvi library were very important for my work. The bibliography that I included reflects my personal interest.  I included in the book my grandma Dora Neumond 1884-1975 pict

ures which she painted in the 1940's.

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